
This is the time for skill building and deep work on critical issues. The LivingSidebySide®  sessions builds community dialogue skills and Summit sessions build your global action skills.

MODULE 1: Peace and Conflict
Days 1-3            Orientation, Values- based leadership, Dialogue Essentials
Days 4-7             Peace and Conflict - start with getting the proper foundation, form working groups to tackle specific topics.  Field Trip
Day 8   Plenary Meeting - share solutions on the global stage, and deliver a clear message to world leaders.
End of Module 1
MODULE 2: Climate Action
Day 9   Introduction to Climate Action.  Community dialogue essentials
Day 10 Climate change - Planet Earth - the natural repercussions.
Day 11  Practical Day ZERO WASTE
Days 12-13  Climate Change - the human cost.   Field trip
Day 14  Working Groups - create personal and group pledges.
Day 15   Plenary session - - share solutions on the global stage, and deliver a clear message to  world leaders
Day 16 - Goodbyes


Outside of the Summits is when you build friendships, try new things, and round out your experience. There’s something for everybody. You can explore culture, language, dance, arts, sports, or continue refining specific leadership skills.

  • Zumba, yoga, meditation
  • Sports, swimming
  • Public Speaking / Improv
  • Drawing, painting, making murals
  • Creative Writing and Speech Writing
  • Creating handmade DIY (Do It Yourself) Zero Waste products
  • Organic Gardening
  • Tree Planting
  • Make music on cafe porch
  • Stress management
  • Planning a community project
  • Introduction to a language - Spanish, Arabic, French, Swahili, Farsi
group line dance

Evening/Special Programs

Imagine a night under the stars and total group fun! Typical evening programs include:

  • Talent shows
  • Wacky Olympics
  • Global Issues Nights
  • Musical Perfomances
  • Cultural Focus nights - peer sharing
  • Performing artists sponsored by Virginia Commission of the Arts
  • Campfires

Field Trips

Take advantage of the beautiful nature around us and the many local people and organizations making a difference. Field trips include short hikes on the Appalachian trail, a tour of Booker T Washington National Monument where we study the history of slavery and the life of one of the most influential African Americans in US history, service projects at Lynchburg Grows, Total Action for Progress and other local organizations, discussion with local farmers about climate change and organic farming, and see first hand how waste is managed at the local landfill, recycling centers and water treatment plants.

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