Visit the Nation's Capitol:
In addition to the Global Youth Village Experience, we offer a 5 day study tour in Washington DC. International and US studenst stay at a 4 star hotel in Arlington Virginia with staff. Your days are filled with:
- Guest speakers and vsiist to organiztaion combatting social and environmental justice issues
- Guided Tours of the Capitol, monuments and historical sites
- Eating your way through the city and enjoying the dievrse restuarant scene
- Service Projects
- Smithsonian Musuems
- Souvenir shopping
- Evening discussions about leadership, representative government and international relations.

Washington DC is the port of entry and departure for our international participants. Legacy staff meet and greet students at the airport and you spend then night recovering from your journey at a nearby hotel with other GYV participants. Your next stop is the Global Youth Village in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountain at a traditional summer camp setting for 16 days. Then it is back to Washington DC for the study tour and departure back home.
You may choose to join us for the Washington DC study tour and there is an additional fee.
Dates and prices for 2020 coming soon!
Questions? email us: